SketchBase ColorLineartRenderComplex BG
Half Body$35+$5$70+$15+$20
Full Body$55+$10$85+$15+$30
Extra Character(s)+$10+$10+$20+$30 

These are the Terms of Service under which I work, here you can find a list of all the important things you need to know before commissioning me. Please thoroughly read these terms & conditions before submitting your order.If you have any questions, you can contact me directly via email ([email protected]), message me or tweet at me on Twitter at @0Lemonster, or Instagram at @_lemonster.If it’s your first time commissioning me (or any artist in general) I suggest you take a peek into the step by step guide.POLICIES INDEX
1 - Basics
2 - Edits
3 - Copyright
4 - Nsfw
5 - Privacy
6 - Payment

FOR DRAWING COMMISSIONS: Reference images –whether drawings, credited picrews, or photographs– are required for any commissioned drawing. Complex characters, backgrounds, poses, or concepts will cost extra.
You may cancel or change your order at any time before work has begun on your commission.
- If I have not started on your commission yet, you will receive a full refund.
- If the changes you’d like to make will cost more than the original quote, you must pay the difference before I will begin on your commission.
- If the changes you’d like to make will cost less than the original quote, I will refund you the difference before I begin on the commission.
I will draw a quick sketch to confirm that it's the pose, format, composition and general idea you want.
After said sketch has been reviewed by you, I will receive full payment via Western Union, Mercado Pago, or Paypal.
I will only start fully working after receiving both confirmation for the sketch, and full payment.Once I have started working on your commission post sketch review, no changes or additions can be made.Turnaround time may vary, but will generally take between two to three weeks. If I need more than three weeks to complete your piece, I will let you know.*I reserve the right to decline or cancel any commission for any reason.*

As far as edits go, one small free edit is allowed within 10 days of receiving your finished commission. Any additional edits beyond that may incur additional editing fees depending on their complexity, & any additional editing fees will be charged at my own discretion. If the edits are so major that I must redo the entire commission, you risk having your commission canceled or add fees. Should I forget to add a detail you included in the original information you sent & this is an error on my part, that edit will occur free of charge.

All commissioned work is copyright © to me, Lemonster. I, the artist, retain full distribution & commercial rights on any image I produce. This means I am able to make prints, digital portfolios, etc.
The commissioner may use the commission image at any size as they please. The commissioner can use the piece for personal use, but may not be used for any commercial purposes (logos, selling their own prints, etc).If you are interested in licensing the art for commercial use, you MUST reach out to me prior to me starting on your commission to discuss this, as pricing will be different for licensable pieces.Commissioners do not have the right to mint/sell their commissions for NFT, or any blockchain related uses.No profit is to be made off the image.I am in no way or form claiming the character(s) drawn in my commissioned images.Please do not edit the work unless given prior permission. Never remove my signature(s) from any piece under any circumstance.You, the commissioner (or recipient if gifted), are required to give credit to me if you upload the art piece yourself, and to link back to one of my social media pages, my website, or Carrd page. If you refuse or fail to give credit, any and all of my artwork in your gallery will be reported as stolen and subsequently removed.You may repost work you have commissioned from me if you have received written permission from me to do so, but you MUST credit me in the body of the post & tag one of my social media accounts, Carrd, or website as credit as well & send me a link to where you have posted it.Please receive written permission from me if you would like to make any edits, alterations, or changes to the work you have commissioned me to do. You are not permitted to pay other artist to make changes, edits, or alterations to the work you have commissioned me to make. If I permit your desired edits & give you written permission the commissioned piece still must be credited to me in the body of the post & you must still link to one of one of my social media accounts, website, or Carrd.I reserve the right to post any commission to my gallery & social media & display it as I see fit, & I also reserve the right to not post any commissions as I see fit as well. All commissioned art will be posted to my social media, as well as many other types of commissions. Commissions may be used as examples for future customers.If you’d like me to delay posting a piece until after a birthday or whatnot, please let me know. I can also do private and anonymous commissions, so if you would not like your username linked to the piece, or for it to not be posted, please let me know.

"NSFW" is short for Not Safe For Work. Its definitions vary, but it's understood as any media containing themes not suited for underage audiences, and that one may enjoy in private instead of "at work".
A vast majority of this art is pornographic in nature, which will be the main focus of this section.
If you have any doubt, you can email me about it at [email protected], or message me at @Lmnstr_ on twitter, which is my account reserved for erotic/sexual art.Make sure to read every single point, any wild misconduct or intentional overstepping of my boundaries will lead to immediate blocking on all social media.Because of the nature of these commissions, the cost will be between 25%, 50% or 100% more than a "Safe For Work" equivalent.
This is due to the work that goes into anatomy, the time spent researching, searching for references and sources, and so on.
If you, at any point, do not agree with the price, we can arrange a less detailed version of the work that would fall within your budget.
I reserve the freedom of opting out of a nsfw commission at any point and for any reason.All and any terms of service that apply for "Safe For Work" commissions apply as well here.I will not discuss nor arrange commissions that seek the following themes:
- Incest, pedophilia, or abuse.
- Depicting real-life animals with no modification in style engaging in sexual relationships.
So to clarify: I will draw furry porn, I will not draw a normal dog fucking.
Its the difference between Death from Puss in Boots 2, and Bolt.
This is a safe space for freaks, and I'm alright with most fetishes, kinks and "weird" tastes, so the main exceptions i will NOT draw nor have a discussion about are:
- Scat & Watersports.
- Age play involving diapers and such baby-related clothing and accessories.
- Pregnancy (mpreg included).
- CNC.
I will not shame you for them (should be a given), but i do not wish to engage in any discussion involving them.
- All characters illustrated nude, sexual or not, must be over 18 years of age.
- All characters depicted should be easily identified as consenting adults.
- If you wish to provide photographic reference, or link to any particular site, you are free to do so as long as you include all the corresponding warnings.
- This kind of media will only be accepted via email, under no circumstances should you send this to my direct messages in any social media. Make sure to always clarify the contents so I'm not jumpscared by genitals when opening my work mail, thank you.
- Any reference involving real people should be already public, by their doing exclusively, and with a source i can access to check. Any person depicted in these sources has to be a consenting adult.
- All written references must be properly flagged/tagged. As an example, any ao3 fanfiction you send my way to be used as reference should have all the corresponding tags.
Do not send me photos of yourself, nor of anyone else without their consent.If you have any doubts, or have something in mind you're not sure where it falls, email me.I will not engage in anti vs proship discourse here, on my email, nor in my previously mentioned account.
I will not engage in "sexting", and do not consent to participate in any conversation or activity that has the sole purpose of sexual pleasure via exhibitionism/voyeurism.

PRIVACYPublic commissions might be published on all and any of my platforms, with your @ in the description if you so wish.Anonymus commissions might be published on any of my platforms, but without direct mention of your involvement.Private commissions will not be shared on any of my platforms."My platforms" include, but are not limited to social medias, portfolios & websites.I respect your privacy & will never share personal information like your name, email address, etc. Your username will only be included anywhere I post the art, with your permission.
If I do a private/anonymous commission, I will not post the work to social media or share it in my galleries, & this information will only be shared with you.

PAYMENTYou must pay in full before I will start on your commission. All prices are subjective and are generally not negotiable. Payment plans for pieces over $50 can be discussed ahead of time.I only accept money via Western Union, Mercado Pago, and Paypal, in order of preference. ***Paypal is a last resource. ***Unfortunately I do not accept snail mail payment or e-checks. If you send me an e-check via Paypal, I will refund you and contact you as soon as possible to let you know!I will pay any payment processing fees & these will not be added to the price of your order.***Commission payments ***will be done via Western Union, Mercado Pago, or Paypal invoices. In case of the last option, once I confirm your order details, I will send you a Paypal invoice and an email to confirm everything! Please do not send me your commission payment directly.You must pay me within one week of me confirming your commission, or else your order is at risk of being canceled at my own discretion.Once the commission is complete, you cannot get a refund. All commissions are sold as-is. If the art is partially completed, you will receive a partial refund at my own discretion.

Text heavily influenced by Ashlee's and Cecil's TOS.
They're amazing artists and wonderful people, check them out here:
🐝 Ashlee Craft;🦇 Cecil Fox

The Step by Step Commission Guide
is currently a work in progress

The main idea is to have an illustrated guide showing the steps of the process and what does each one mean.
coming soon i promise ;u;